東北植物学会第7回大会(岩手, 12月9-10日, 2017)
開勇人, 冨永陽子, 上村松生, 河村幸男. 2017.
東北植物学会第7回大会(岩手, 12月9-10, 2017)(ポスター発表)
タバコBY-2 細胞のプロトプラストと生理活性化合物を利用した植物細胞の伸長と分裂方向を決める因子の探索
東北植物学会第7回大会(岩手, 12月9-10日, 2017)
Mostafa KM, Tanino K, Kawamura Y, Uemura M. 2017.
A single seed treatment with reactive oxygen species (ROS) improves growth
performance and alleviates abiotic stress in Arabidopsis.
Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 (Taipei, Taiwan, November 3-6, 2017)
Imai H, Kanaya M, Ogata M, Kawamura Y, Uemura M. 2017.
Temperature and light signals in cold acclimation and freezing tolerance.
Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 (Taipei, Taiwan, November 3-6, 2017) (Invited talk)
Imai H, Kawamura Y, Nagatani A, Uemura M. 2017.
Time-dependent manner of the involvement of blue light and cryptochrome in cold
acclimation process.
Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 (Taipei, Taiwan, November 3-6, 2017)
Hiraki H, Kanaya M, Tominaga Y, Uemura M, Kawamura Y. 2017.
Calcium Signal Regulate CBF/DREB1 Expression dependent on the Temperature
Fluctuation in the Field
Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017(Taipei, Taiwan, November
3-6, 2017)(Poster)
Sasaki A, Shirahata M, Uemura M, Kawamura Y. 2017.
Different features of field cold acclimation between deciduous and evergreen
broad-leaved trees.
Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 (Taipei, Taiwan, November 3-6, 2017)
Koide S, Kumada R, Hayakawa K, Kawakami I, Orikasa T, Katahira M, Uemura M.
Survival of cut cabbage subjected to subzero temperatures.
VI International Postharvest Unlimited Conference (Madrid, Spain, October 17-20,
Uemura, M. 2017.
Elucidation of the involvement of plasma membrane proteins in plant cold
acclimation by proteomics.
Special Seminar, Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)-EEAD (Zaragoza,
Spain, September 15, 2017) (Invited
日本植物学会第81回大会(千葉, 9月8-10日, 2017)
小出章二, 早川香寿美, 折笠貴寛, 川上樹, 熊田りこ, 上村松生.2017.
第76回農業食料工学会(東京, 9月7-9日, 2017)
Ceballos-Laita L, Gutierrez-Carbonell E, Takahashi D, Uemura M, Abadía A,
AbadíaJ, López-Millán AF. 2017.
Effects of Mn toxicity on the protein profiles of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
xylem sap and roots.
18th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (Copenhagen, Denmark, August
21-24, 2017)
早川香寿美,小出章二,折笠貴寛,川上樹,熊田りこ,上村松生, 小出章二. 2017.
第66回日本食品保蔵科学会(高知, 6月24-25日, 2017)
第62回低温生物工学会大会・セミナー(北海道, 5月20-21日, 2017)(招待セミナー講演)
Mostafa KM, Tanino K, Kawamura Y, Uemura M. 2017.
A single seed treatment mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) can improve
germination, growth performance, and freezing tolerance.
第62回低温生物工学会大会・セミナー(北海道, 5月20-21日, 2017)
矢後琴美, 渡辺悦子, 今井裕之, 河村幸男, 上村松生. 2017.
第62回低温生物工学会大会・セミナー(北海道, 5月20-21日, 2017)
金谷真希, 冨永陽子, 上村松生, 河村幸男. 2017.
第62回低温生物工学会大会・セミナー(北海道, 5月20-21日, 2017)
第67回日本木材学会大会(福岡, 3月17-19日, 2017)
開勇人, 冨永陽子, 上村松生, 河村幸男. 2017.
Calcium Signals in Plant Cells during Cold Acclimation: Views from Temperature
Fluctuation in the Field.
第58回日本植物生理学会年会(鹿児島, 3月16-18日, 2017)
開勇人,冨永陽子,上村松生,河村幸男. 2017.
第58回日本植物生理学会年会(鹿児島, 3月16-18日, 2017)
Imai H, Kawamura K, Nagatani A, Uemura M. 2017.
Both of cryptochrome 1 and cryptochrome 2 are associated with the regulation of
plant cold acclimation pathway under blue light condition.
第58回日本植物生理学会年会(鹿児島, 3月16-18日, 2017)
Watanabe E, Yago K, Imai H, Uemura M, Kawamura Y. 2017.
Proteomic analysis to understand the DRP1E role in the plasma membrane changes
during cold acclimation in Arabidopsis.
第58回日本植物生理学会年会(鹿児島, 3月16-18日, 2017)
金谷真希,冨永陽子,上村松生,河村幸男. 2017.
第58回日本植物生理学会年会(鹿児島, 3月16-18日, 2017)
Willick IR, Takahashi D, Uemura M,
Fowler DB, Tanino KK. 2017.
Apoplastic proteome and biochemical responses to cold acclimation in ‘Norstar’ winter wheat crown tissues.
第58回日本植物生理学会年会(鹿児島, 3月16-18日, 2017)
第64回日本生態学会 (東京、3月14‐18日、2017)
Imai H, Kanaya M, Ogata M, Kawamura Y, Uemura M. 2017.
Role of light signals in freezing tolerance mechanism in plants: interactions
with temperature signals.
Special Seminar in the Max-Planck Institute for Plant Molecular Physiology
(Potsdam, Germany, February 22, 2017) (Invited
Imai H, Kanaya M, Ogata M, Kawamura Y, Uemura M. 2017.
Interactions of temperature and light signals in plant cold acclimation for
survival in changing environment.
VICEA Conference on Plant Growth, Nutrition & Environment Interaction III
(Vienna, Austria, February 20-21, 2017) (Invited